Richest and Poorest Zip Codes Near Lincoln

Top 20 Richest Zip Codes within 50 miles of Lincoln, Nebraska (based on Census data).

Zip CodeMedian Household Income ($)
68336 (Davey) 126,250
68118 (Omaha) 115,743
68527 (Lincoln) 109,653
68526 (Lincoln) 104,750
68135 (Omaha) 100,461
68523 (Lincoln) 98,409
68430 (Roca) 95,917
68130 (Omaha) 95,250
68022 (Elkhorn) 93,481
68133 (Papillion) 92,708
68007 (Bennington) 91,563
68116 (Omaha) 89,726
68028 (Gretna) 87,705
68648 (MorseBluff) 86,507
68136 (Omaha) 86,012
68307 (Avoca) 85,402
68532 (Lincoln) 84,271
68402 (Malcolm) 83,194
68667 (Ulysses) 83,144
68520 (Lincoln) 82,083

Top 20 Poorest Zip Codes within 50 miles of Lincoln, Nebraska(based on Census data)

Zip CodeMedian Household Income ($)
68508 (Lincoln) 18,186
68010 (BoysTown) 22,250
68111 (Omaha) 24,306
68110 (Omaha) 25,414
68320 (Brock) 26,250
68348 (ElkCreek) 26,667
68131 (Omaha) 27,413
68503 (Lincoln) 29,828
68318 (BlueSprings) 30,536
68380 (Lewiston) 31,836
68108 (Omaha) 33,077
68105 (Omaha) 33,593
68504 (Lincoln) 35,686
68113 (OffuttAFB) 36,140
68332 (CrabOrchard) 38,611
68450 (Tecumseh) 38,935
68036 (Linwood) 39,260
68107 (Omaha) 39,357
68102 (Omaha) 39,399
68458 (Virginia) 40,000