Robo Soldier Programs All Over the World

The Soldiers that never sleeps: The Super aEgis II

The Super aEgis II, South Korea’s best-selling automated turret, will not fire without first receiving an OK from a human. The human operator must first enter a password into the computer system


Jobs with the Highest Salaries in North Dakota

Data from Labor Department shows jobs with the highest salaries in

OccupationEmploymentEmployment / 1000 JobsAverage Annual Wage
Obstetricians and Gynecologists500.104$235,330
Physicians and Surgeons, All Other260


Racial Diversity Statistics of Places Near Greensboro

We analyzed data from Census to come up with race & diversity statistics of Places within 50 miles of Greensboro.

Places with highest concentration of people belonging to a single race.



Companies Hiring the Most in Philadelphia

Data on companies who are recruiting the most (based on open job postings) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

CompanyNo. of OpeningsLocations
CVS Health 270


Organizations Hiring with the Most Job Openings in Stockton

Research done from job search engines on companies with the most number of open job positions

CompanyNo. of OpeningsLocations
Federal Companies 88 Stockton\ Lathrop\ French Camp\ Holt


Youngest & Oldest Population Places Near Newark

Top 20 places near Newark which have the highest proportion of people <35 Years.

PlaceNumber of people below the age of 35 People <35 Years as a % of Total Population
West Point6559


Zip Codes with Most & Least Poverty Near Toledo

Zip Codes around 50 miles of Toledo with highest poverty levels ( Data from the census )

Zip CodePercentage of people with income below poverty levels
43604 (Toledo)59.94


Top 20 zipcodes with highest and lowest rental yields around Anchorage

Top 20 Zip Codes with highest rental yields within 50 miles of Anchorage (from Census data)

Place NameMonthly rent($)Median value of house($)Rental Yield (%)
99506 (Elmendorf)1,906


Most and Least Single Zipcodes Around Anchorage

Top zipcodes around 50 miles of Anchorage with the most single people.

ZipcodePercentage of people single Percentage of males singlePercentage of females single
99503 (Anchorage)60.80


Places with Highest & Lowest Proportion of Divorced People Near Stockton

Top Places within 50 Miles of Stockton, CA that have the highest number of divorcees as a percentage of population (based on Census data)

Place NamePercentage of divorced people
Bethel Island21.89


Richest and Poorest Zip Codes Near Lincoln

Top 20 Richest Zip Codes within 50 miles of Lincoln, Nebraska (based on Census data).

Zip CodeMedian Household Income ($)
68336 (Davey) 126,250
68118 (Omaha) 115,743


Most Educated and Least Educated Places Near Plano

Top places with most educated population (based on Census data)

Place NamePercentage of people with at least college education
Highland Park92.23
University Park89.84


Top ten Science breakthroughs in 2015

Here is the list of ten scientific breakthroughs of 2015.
1. Researchers find new phase of carbon, make diamond at room temperature


Top 20 places near St. Paul with highest concentration of singles

Some numbers (based on Census data) which show places with the highest concentration of singles! The data is ordered by the largest highest ratio of singles between 20 to 49 years. Top 20 Places near St. Paul, Minnesota with Highest Concentration of Male Singles Per Female SingleNumber of single men for every sing


Zip Codes With Cheapest & Most Expensive Property Prices near Henderson

We analysed Census data to find the Zip Codes with cheapest and most expensive property prices around Henderson.

Top 20 Zip Codes with most expensive property prices within 50 miles of Henderson, NV.

Zip Code


Zip Codes near Cincinnati with the Highest & Lowest Percentage of Married People

Top Zip Codes within 50 mile radius of Cincinnati, Ohio with highest proportion of married people (Source: Census data)

Zip CodePercentage of people married
47022 (Guilford)71.76
