Occupation | Employment | Employment / 1000 Jobs | Average Annual Wage |
Obstetricians and Gynecologists | 50 | 0.104 | $235,330 |
Physicians and Surgeons, All Other | 260 |
We analyzed data from Census to come up with race & diversity statistics of Places within 50 miles of Greensboro.
Places with highest concentration of people belonging to a single race.
Place |
Company | No. of Openings | Locations |
CVS Health | 270 |
Company | No. of Openings | Locations |
Federal Companies | 88 | Stockton\ Lathrop\ French Camp\ Holt |
Top 20 places near Newark which have the highest proportion of people <35 Years.
Place | Number of people below the age of 35 | People <35 Years as a % of Total Population |
West Point | 6559 |
Zip Codes around 50 miles of Toledo with highest poverty levels ( Data from the census )
Zip Code | Percentage of people with income below poverty levels |
43604 (Toledo) | 59.94 |
Place Name | Monthly rent($) | Median value of house($) | Rental Yield (%) |
99506 (Elmendorf) | 1,906 |
Zipcode | Percentage of people single | Percentage of males single | Percentage of females single |
99503 (Anchorage) | 60.80 |
Top Places within 50 Miles of Stockton, CA that have the highest number of divorcees as a percentage of population (based on Census data)
Place Name | Percentage of divorced people |
Bethel Island | 21.89 |
Top 20 Richest Zip Codes within 50 miles of Lincoln, Nebraska (based on Census data).
Zip Code | Median Household Income ($) |
68336 (Davey) | 126,250 |
68118 (Omaha) | 115,743 |
Top places with most educated population (based on Census data)
Place Name | Percentage of people with at least college education |
Highland Park | 92.23 |
University Park | 89.84 |
We analysed Census data to find the Zip Codes with cheapest and most expensive property prices around Henderson.
Top 20 Zip Codes with most expensive property prices within 50 miles of Henderson, NV.
Zip Code |
Top Zip Codes within 50 mile radius of Cincinnati, Ohio with highest proportion of married people (Source: Census data)
Zip Code | Percentage of people married |
47022 (Guilford) | 71.76 |